This endpoint is restricted to specific plans. Reach out if you have any questions.
Get a list of artists based on global, country or city stats, and filtered by attributes and stats.
You can sort artists in our database using specific parameters such as platform, metric type, or time period, and filter them based on attributes like nationality, genre, sub-genre, career stage, etc. or performance metrics.
Platforms and metrics depend on the data scope: global, country, or city. For example, Spotify monthly listeners are available globally and by city but not by country. See the tables below for details.
platfom/metricType combinations available for global metrics, sorted by type:
Soundcharts score
Audience metrics
Streaming metrics
Radio metrics
Other audience metrics
We only get the YouTube, Instagram and TikTok country-level data for each artist’s top markets. Artists aren't ranked by overall listens in the region but by whether it's one of their key markets. For example, Ed Sheeran may be popular in Ireland but won't appear in its ranking if Ireland isn't a top market for him.
platfom/metricType combinations available for country metrics, sorted by type:
Audience metrics
Streaming metrics
Radio metrics
We only get the Spotify, YouTube and Instagram country-level data for each artist’s top markets. Artists aren't ranked by overall listens in the region but by whether it's one of their key markets. For example, Ed Sheeran may be popular in Dublin but won't appear in its ranking if Dublin isn't a top market for him.
platfom/metricType combinations available for city metrics, sorted by type:
Audience metrics
Streaming metrics
Name | Value | Description | Additional |
Sort | object | Sort artists by an audience metric (by total or change over a period) | Optional |
platform | string | Code of the platform used for sorting metric. Available values are listed in the Get platforms endpoint |
metricType | string | Type of metric used for sorting the artists. Available values depend on the geographical data scope (global, by country or by city). Find out the available metricType per platform in the tabs above. |
sortBy | string | Sort the list of artists by either: - The latest total value - Absolute gain/loss over a time period - Relative gain/loss (in percent) over a time period Available values: total, volume, percent | |
period | string | Time period used in the sorting. Available values for global stats: week, month, quarter Available values for country or city stats: month, quarter |
order | string | Available values: desc, asc |
AttributName | Object type | Description | Additional |
type | string | metric Filter artists by any metric |
Required |
data | object | Required | |
data.platform | string | Code of the platform used for the filtering metric. Available values are listed in the Get platforms endpoint |
Required |
data.metricType | string | Type of metric used for filtering the artists. Available values depend on the geographical data scope (global, by country or by city). Find out the available metricType per platform in the tabs above. |
Required |
data.min | float | Set the minimum value for filtering. - Enter a number to filter by total value or growth. - Enter a percentage to filter by percentage growth. |
At least one of min or max is mandatory |
data.max | float | Set the max value for filtering. - Enter a number to filter by total value or growth. - Enter a percentage to filter by percentage growth. |
At least one of min or max is mandatory |
data.period | string | Specify the time period for filtering when changeType is volume or percent. Available values: week, month, quarter |
Optional |
data.changeType | string | Choose the type of audience filtering: volume or percent. - Set "volume" to filter by growth over the time period defined in the period field. - Set "percent" to filter by percentage growth over the defined time period. - Leave blank or omit this field to filter by total value. | Optional |
AttributName | Object type | Description | Additional |
type | string | artistCountryCode Filter artists by nationalities |
Required |
data | object | Required | |
data.values | array of strings | A list of 2 letters ISO 3166-2 country codes. Example: 'US', 'UK' Full list on |
Required |
data.operator | string | in: Select artists whose nationality matches any of the specified options. not_in: Exclude artists whose nationality matches any of the specified options. |
Required |
AttributName | Object type | Description | Additional |
type | string | artistGenres Filter artists by genres | Required |
data | object | Required | |
data.values | array of strings | A list of artist genres. Find out the available list Get artist genres endpoint. |
Required |
data.operator | string | in: Select artists who have at least one of the specified genres. not_in: Exclude artists who have at least one of the specified genres. |
Required |
AttributName | Object type | Description | Additional |
type | string | artistSubGenres Filter artists by sub genres | Required |
data | object | Required | |
data.values | array of strings | A list of artist sub genres. Find out the available list Get artist genres endpoint. |
Required |
data.operator | string | in: Select artists who have at least one of the specified sub genres. not_in: Exclude artists who have at least one of the specified sub genres. |
Required |
AttributName | Object type | Description | Additional |
type | string | gender Filter artists by gender | Required |
data | object | Required | |
data.values | array of strings | A list of artist genders. Available values: male, female, other, mixed, other gender identity, transgender, non-binary, transgender man, androgynous, not applicable, transgender woman, genderqueer, not specified, agender, genderfluid, gender non-conforming, gender neutral, trans-masculine, two-spirit, trans-feminine". |
Required |
data.operator | string | in: Select artists whose gender matches any of the specified options. not_in: Exclude artists whose gender matches any of the specified options. |
Required |
AttributName | Object type | Description | Additional |
type | string | type Filter artists by type | Required |
data | object | Required | |
data.values | array of strings | A list of artist types. Available values: group, person, other, character, choir, orchestra, solo |
Required |
data.operator | string | in: Select artists whose type matches any of the specified options. not_in: Exclude artists whose type matches any of the specified options. |
Required |
AttributName | Object type | Description | Additional |
type | string | birthDate Filter artists based on their birth date. The interpretation of birthDate varies depending on the artist type: - For solo artists, birthDate refers to the artist's date of birth. - For groups or fictional characters, birthDate represents the group's formation date or the character's creation date. | Required |
data | object | Required | |
data.min | YYYY-MM-DD | Select artists whose birthDate is later than the specified date. | At least one of the 2 dates is mandatory |
data.max | YYYY-MM-DD | Select artists whose birthDate is earlier than the specified date. | At least one of the 2 dates is mandatory |
data.operator | string | in: Select artists whose birthDate matches the specified range. not_in: Exclude artists whose birthDate matches any of the specified range. | Required |
AttributName | Object type | Description | Additional |
type | string | firstReleaseDate Filter artists based on the date of their first release. | Required |
data | object | Required | |
data.min | YYYY-MM-DD | Select artists whose first release occurred later than the specified date. | At least one of the 2 dates is mandatory |
data.max | YYYY-MM-DD | Select artists whose first release occurred earlier than the specified date. | At least one of the 2 dates is mandatory |
data.operator | string | in: Select artists whose first release matches the specified range. not_in: Exclude artists whose first release matches the specified range. | Required |
AttributName | Object type | Description | Additional |
type | string | latestReleaseDate Filter artists by the date of their latest release. | Required |
data | object | Required | |
data.min | YYYY-MM-DD | Select artists whose latest release occurred later than the specified date. | At least one of the 2 dates is mandatory |
data.max | YYYY-MM-DD | Select artists whose latest release occurred earlier than the specified date. | At least one of the 2 dates is mandatory |
data.operator | string | in: Select artists whose latest release matches the specified range. not_in: Exclude artists whose latest release matches the specified range. | Required |
AttributName | Object type | Description | Additional |
type | string | isrcCount Filter artists by their number of ISRCs. | Required |
data | object | Required | |
data.min | integer | Set the minimum number of ISRCs | At least one of the 2 values is mandatory |
data.max | integer | Set the maximum number of ISRCs | At least one of the 2 values is mandatory |
AttributName | Object type | Description | Additional |
type | string | latestEvent Filter artists based on the date of their latest event. | Required |
data | object | Required | |
data.min | YYYY-MM-DD | Select artists whose latest event occurred later than the specified date. | At least one of the 2 dates is mandatory |
data.max | YYYY-MM-DD | Select artists whose latest event occurred earlier than the specified date. | At least one of the 2 dates is mandatory |
data.operator | string | in: Select artists whose latest event matches the specified range. not_in: Exclude artists whose latest event matches the specified range. | Required |
AttributName | Object type | Description | Additional |
type | string | eventCount36Months Filter artists by number of events over the last 36 months. | Required |
data | object | Required | |
data.min | integer | Set the minimum number of events in the last 36 months. | At least one of the 2 values is mandatory |
data.max | integer | Set the maximum number of events in the past 36 months. | At least one of the 2 values is mandatory |
AttributName | Object type | Description | Additional |
type | string | upcomingEvent Filter artists based on scheduled events within the specified timeframe. | Required |
data | object | Required | |
data.min | YYYY-MM-DD | Select artists who have an event scheduled after the specified date. | At least one of the 2 dates is mandatory |
data.max | YYYY-MM-DD | Select artists who have an event scheduled before the specified date. | At least one of the 2 dates is mandatory |
data.operator | string | in: Select artists whose upcoming event matches the specified range. not_in: Exclude artists whose upcoming event matches the specified range. | Required |
AttributName | Object type | Description | Additional |
type | string | careerStage Filter artists based on their career stages | Required |
data | object | Required | |
data.values | array of strings | A list of artist career stages Available values: superstar, mainstream, mid_level, long_tail |
Required |
data.operator | string | in: Select artists who have at least one of the specified career stages. not_in: Exclude artists who have at least one of the specified career stages. | Required |
POST /api/v2/top/artists
Parameter name | Value | Description | Additional |
countryCode | string | Add a country to get artists ranked by their stats in that specific country. Avalaible values: country code of 2 letters ISO 3166-2, example: 'US', full list on Leave empty to get the artists list based on their global stats. |
cityKey | string | Add a cityKey and a countryCode to get artists ranked by their stats in that specific city. Available values are listed in the endpoint. |
offset | integer | Get results starting from position |
limit | integer | Number of results (max. 100) |
Parameter name | Value | Description | Additional |
body | JSON Payload |
Required |
Status code | Description | Resource |
200 | OK
Top artist collection reponse |
TopArtistCollectionResponse2 |
400 | Bad Request
Invalid request |
401 | Unauthorized
You are not logged in |
403 | Forbidden
This endpoint is not included in your current plan, reach out to if you want access. |