Available platforms are listed in the Get platforms for audience data endpoint.

The API response will include the platform's primary “fan” metric even if it is named differently (e.g., Facebook likes, YouTube subscribers, Deezer fans, Gaana favorites, Line Music Likes). All these are under the "followerCount" metric.

The API response may not return a value for all dates, as we may miss a day or two. These data points may still show on our UI because we estimate the missing data between two points.

Audience refresh frequency depends on the artist’s followers on the platform:

  • less than 9 followers: every 15 days
  • between 10 and 149 followers: every 7 days
  • between 150 and 499 followers: every 5 days
  • between 500 and 4,999 followers: every 3 days
  • more than 5,000: every 2 days

Don’t see any audience metric for one platform in the response for a specific artist? We may not have the artist platform ID! Use the Add links endpoint to submit it Soundcharts.

To find an artist's UUID, use either the Get artist by platform ID or Search artist by name endpoints.

likeCount followerCount followingCount postCount viewCount
instagram X X X
mixcloud X X
soundcloud X X X
tiktok X X X
triller X X
youtube X X X
Other Platforms X


GET /api/v2/artist/{uuid}/audience/{platform}

Path parameters

Parameter name Value Description Additional
uuid string

An artist UUID

platform string

A social platform code


Query string parameters

Parameter name Value Description Additional
startDate string

Optional period start date (format YYYY-MM-DD), period cannot exceed 90 days

endDate string

Optional period end date (format YYYY-MM-DD), leave empty to use latest 90 days


Status code Description Resource
200 OK

A Social Account response along with its audience plots

Social Audience Plot Collection
400 Bad Request

Invalid request

401 Unauthorized

You are not logged in

403 Forbidden

This endpoint is not included in your current plan, reach out to help@soundcharts.com if you want access.

404 Not Found

Artist not found

Explore this api


An artist UUID


A social platform code


Optional period start date (format YYYY-MM-DD), period cannot exceed 90 days


Optional period end date (format YYYY-MM-DD), leave empty to use latest 90 days

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