This endpoint is available for YouTube shorts and Instagram reels.

Don't know the artist UUID yet? Use the Get artist by platform ID or Search artist by name endpoints.


GET /api/v2/artist/shorts/{identifier}/audience

Path parameters

Parameter name Value Description Additional
identifier string

A short/reel video identifier


Query string parameters

Parameter name Value Description Additional
startDate string

Optional period start date (format YYYY-MM-DD), period cannot exceed 90 days

endDate string

Optional period end date (format YYYY-MM-DD), leave empty to use latest 90 days


Status code Description Resource
200 OK

A Short video Audience collection response

ShortVideo Audience Collection
401 Unauthorized

You are not logged in

403 Forbidden

This endpoint is not included in your current plan, reach out to if you want access.

404 Not Found

Short Video not found

Explore this api


A short/reel video identifier


Optional period start date (format YYYY-MM-DD), period cannot exceed 90 days


Optional period end date (format YYYY-MM-DD), leave empty to use latest 90 days

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